Stamfag punching tools deliver maximum performance
Tools engineered and manufactured by Stamfag guarantee effective, high-performance and cost-effective cutting operations.
However, utilizing the right instruments is not enough. The tools also require expert sharpening and diligent storage. High quality and performance levels cannot be achieved unless the tools are properly maintained. We therefore offer our customers sharpening courses which your staff members can attend either at our premises or, if more convenient, at your company. Covering several days, our sharpening courses guarantee that you will achieve top cutting results. Let Stamfag offer you a multi-day sharpening course.
Sharpening service
Stamfag offers top professional tool sharpening services. We precisely adjust the cut to the test material you deliver to Stamfag. If no test material is available, we follow our enormous sharpening experience. On request, we offer you a pick up and return service within 2 or 4 days.
Within Europe, we provide EU customs clearance at no additional cost!
Partner companies all over the world use our Cargrind sharpening machines to provide swift sharpening services. Their competent staff members were trained by Stamfag experts, either here in Switzerland or in their home countries.
Pick-up order for sharpening service.
Optical measuring service
There are materials or punching tools that vary substantially in dimension during the punching process and get outside the common branch tolerance. We therefore offer a special optical measuring service, testing the measurements and contour accuracy of tools and materials up to a size of 400x220 mm and a maximum tool height of 250 mm. Having measured the tools and materials, the optical measuring appliance device then digitally superimposes tool and material. We send you the results in the form of a test protocol or use them to manufacture a new tool. All newly manufactured Stamfag punching tools undergo this measurement process before leaving the factory.
Material tests
Have you faced any quality problems, such as defective labels, labels with bonded cut faces, size deviations, color chipping or problems with special materials? Send us test material and corresponding punching tool and let our experts test the product. They will find solutions and if necessary, prepare a complete test report with punch pressure diagrams, photos, video recordings and measurement protocols. A new tool would then be produced based on this test results or an existing tool sharpened accordingly.
Material tests can also be performed on existing Stamfag test dies before a tool is definitely ordered.